One woman and eight men hanged in Tehran today, on the Christmas eve

Dec. 24, 2008, 10:38 a.m.

Iran Human Rights, December 24: One woman and eight men were hanged in Tehran’s Evin prison early this morning, reported the state run Iranian news agancy Fars.

Iran Human Rights reported yesterday that 10 people were scheduled to be executed today. According to Fars news agancy, execution of one of the nine men who was convicted of murder, was postponed to a later time, due to absence of the offender’s family.

The report did not identify any of those executed by name. However, the woman who was hanged was yesterday identified as Tayebeh (Tayyebeh). She was convicted of murdering her stepdaughter. She had denied the charges against her, and said in the court that she had confessed to the crime under pressure from the authorities. But the court sentenced her to death and she was hanged early this morning.

Iran Human Rights will return with more information regarding identities of the eight men who were executed in Tehran today.

There have been some reactions on the fact that the Iranian authorities have chosen to execute so many people on the Christmas eve.