Iran Human Rights (IHR); May 12, 2020: Hedayat Abdollahpour, a political prisoner sentenced to death, was transferred from Urmia Central Prison to an unknown location on, May 9, 2020.
Osman Mozayan and Maziar Tataei, lawyers representing the political prisoner on death row, told IHR: “We referred Hedayat Abdollahpour’s case to the Western Azerbaijan (Urmia) branch of the Amnesty and Pardon Commission but the case hasn’t been sent from Urmia to Tehran yet and is still at the Urmia branch and we’ve received no response. It is true that Hedayat's death sentence has been upheld, but it would be illegal for any action to be taken to enforce his sentence as long as his case is at the Amnesty and Pardon Commission.”
Hedayat Abdollahpour was arrested along with at least six others in a village near Oshnavieh city, West Azerbaijan province, on June 15, 2016. The seven detainees were accused of providing food and shelter to members of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran during clashes with the Revolutionary Guards.
Hedayat is the only one of those detained to be sentenced to death on charges of "rebellion" following a complaint by the Revolutionary Guards and ruling by the 1st Branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Urmia.
His sentence was overturned by the 47th Branch of the Supreme Court and referred to the 2nd Branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Urmia for review. Hedayat was again sentenced to death by this branch, and the sentence was finally upheld by the 47th Branch of the Supreme Court.
There has been a sharp rise in prison executions in Kurdish areas in recent months. Implementing sentences of prisoners whose cases are at the Amnesty and Pardon Commission is illegal but not unprecedented. Ramin Hossein Panahi, a Kurdish prisoner was executed in Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj, while his case was still at the Amnesty and Pardon Commission.