Baluch Mohsen and Einollah Ghanbarzehi Executed for Security Charges in Zahedan

Sept. 3, 2022, noon

Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO); September 3, 2022: Mohsen and Einollah Ghanbarzehi, two Baluch men who were sentenced to qisas (retribution-in-kind) for murder  in Zahedan Central Prison.

According to Hal Vash, two Baluch men were executed in Zahedan Central Prison on September 3. Their identities have been reported as Mohsen Ghanbarzehi and Einollah Ghanbarzehi who were uncle and nephew. They were sentenced to death on charges of “moharebeh (enmity against god) through armed rising,” “collaborating with opposition groups” and qisas (retribution-in-kind) for “killing three traffic police officers.”  They were reportedly executed for the moharebeh charges.

Mohsen Ghanbarzehi was 26 years old and had been arrested around six years ago according to Iran Prison Atlas. Both men were severely tortured in the custody of the IRGC’s intelligence organisation while incommunicado.

At the time of writing, neither of their executions have been reported by domestic media or officials.