Baluch Abdollah Shahuzehi Executed for Drug Charges in Shiraz

Dec. 23, 2022, 4:20 p.m.

Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO); December 23, 2022: Abdollah Shahuzehi, a Baluch man sentenced to death for drug-related charges, was executed in Shiraz Central Prison.

According to Hal Vash, a Baluch man was executed in Shiraz Central Prison on December 21. His identity has been reported as 35-year-old Abdollah Shahuzehi who was sentenced to death for drug-related charges by the Revolutionary Court. He was arrested around two years ago.

It has been tragically reported that his family who were en route from Zahedan for their last visit, were involved in a road accident and are currently hospitalised in Zahedan.

At the time of writing, his execution has not been reported by domestic media or officials in Iran.

More than 500 people including 2 juvenile offenders have been executed in 2022, the highest annual execution since 2017.