Mansour Dahmardeh

Dec. 25, 2023, 11:36 p.m.

Mansour Dahmardeh

Mansour Dahmardeh is a 22-year-old Baluch protester who is physically disabled and was arrested for participating in the Bloody Friday protest on 30 September 2022. He was arrested on 3 October 2022 when he was working as a bus driver on the route from Zahedan to Bandar Abbas. He was subjected to severe torture for ten days to force self-incriminating confessions prior to his sentencing. According to Baluch activists, his right leg was injured under torture and later infected due to the lack of treatment. Prison authorities demanded and took 12 million tomans from the family for the required operation. However, his family were not permitted to be with him at the hospital when the operation took place in early July 2023. 


CHARGES: Efsad-fil-arz (corruption on earth). In court, he admitted to throwing three stones and burning a tyre, to which the judge replied: “anyone who protests Ali Khamenei’s government will be sentenced to death.”

STATUS: Sentenced to death on 5 January 2023 by Branch 2 of the Shahid Noury Criminal Court Complex which was announced to him in prison. This is while the security charges should have been tried by the Revolutionary Court.