100 Executions Recorded in August in Iran; at Least 402 Executed in 2024

Sept. 3, 2024, 12:54 p.m.

Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO); September 3, 2024: At least 100 people were executed in August and at least 402 people were executed in the first eight months of 2024. Of the 100 August executions, 50 were for murder and 46 for drug-related charges. Execution numbers hiked after the presidential elections.

Iran Human Rights once again calls for the international community to react to the increasing number of executions in Iran.

IHRNGO Director, Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam said: “The execution of at least 100 people in just one month should be met with backlash from the international community! The victims of the Islamic Republic’s execution machine are from the weakest and most deprived communities who are killed without due process and fair trial rights to create societal fear and intimidation. The public, human rights organisations and the international community must raise the political cost of these executions for Iranian authorities through protest campaigns, condemnations and political pressure.”



August Executions at a Glance:

According to data collected by Iran Human Rights, at least 402 people including 15 women were executed in Iranian prisons in the first eight months of 2024. This is a 20% decrease compared to the same period last year when 500 executions took place. This decrease can be attributed to the parliamentary and presidential elections and the death of President Raisi. As IHRNGO warned against a new wave of post-election executions on 2 July, at least  49 were executed in July and at least 100 people have been executed in August alone.

Of the 100 recorded executions, 50 were sentenced to qisas (retribution-in-kind), 46 were on death row for drug-related offences, 3 for rape and one for moharebeh (enmity against god).

Kurdish “Woman, Life, Freedom” protester Reza Rasayi was amongst those executed in August 2024. He was sentenced to death based on torture-tainted confessions and testimonies, and elme-qazi (knowledge of the judge). The first public hanging also took place in August.

The execution of Afghan nationals has been steadily rising every year since the Taliban takeover in 2021 when five  men were executed in the space of 35 days. On 10 October 2021, Iran Human Rights expressed its concern that the Taliban takeover in August had facilitated the execution of Afghan nationals. That number more than tripled in 2022, with 16 Afghan nationals including a juvenile offender and a woman executed. At least 25 Afghans were executed in 2023. At least 31 Afghans were executed in the first eight months 2024, with 11 executions taking place in August.