Iran Human Rights, November 17: According to the reports from the Iranian state media two prisoners were hanged publicly the Iranian town of Darab (southern Iran) yesterday November 16.
According to the official website of the Iranian judiciary in Fars Province two prisoners identified as "A. M." convicted of carrying 85 kilograms of opium and 10 kilograms of concentrated heroin, and "S. S." convicted of carrying 2800 grams of concentrated heroin. The executions were carried out in publicly in the town of Darab, in the Fars Province.
Another prisoner was hanged in the prison of Eslamshahr (south of Tehran) convicted of murder. Iranian state broadcasting reported that a man identified as "Fereydon" convicted of murdering another man identified as "Rahman" was hanged in the prison of Eslamshahr on November 14.
According to the official and unofficial reports 81 prisoners have been executed in the last 10 days in Iran. The Judiciary in the Yazd Province (Central Iran) announced that amputation verdicts of two prisoners convicted of theft were carried out publicly in the city of Yazd on November 13. According to the report four fingers of one hand of the prisoners were amputated. The Judiciary also announced that two prisoners will be hanged in the near future.
The state run Iranian news agency ISNA reported that the flogging verdict of a man identified as "Mehdi B." was carried out publicly on Monday November 12. According to this report Mehdi was sentenced to 70 lashes in public, convicted of "disturbing the women and girls".
Iran Human Rights (IHR) strongly condemned the executions, amputations and floggings carried out by the Iranian authorities. Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, the spokesperson of IHR said: "We urge the international community to condemn the barbaric punishments and we demand urgent actions to stop these crimes committed by the Iranian authorities".