A juvenile offender was hanged in the Vakilabad prison of Mashhad (Northeastern Iran) on Sunday. He was convicted of a murder committed when he was 16 year old. On Thursday three juvenile offenders were hanged in the Bandar Abbas prison (Southern Iran). Iran Human Rights (IHR) urges the international community to react to the juvenile executions in Iran. Iran Human Rights, April 22, 2014: According to reports from Iran a juvenile offender identified as "Ebrahim Hajati" was hanged in the Vakilabad prison of Mashhad on Sunday April 20.
Ebrahim was convicted of murdering Abdollah (19) under a fight in a village outside Mashhad four years ago. At that time Ebrahim was 16 year old. He was sentenced to qesas (qisas; retribution in kind), and his execution was carried out on Sunday 22. April 2014. Ebrahim's family were informed only half a day before the execution. The news is also published on the Facbook pages of "Imam Ali" group, an NGO working to save death row prisoners sentenced to qisas. Last week Iran Human Rights (IHR) reported about execution of three juvenile offenders in Bandar Abbas. So far in 2014 at least six juvenile offenders have been executed in Iran. IHR strongly condemns execution of juvenile offenders by the Iranian authorities. Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, the spokesperson of IHR said: These executions are clear violations of Iran's international obligations. We urge the international community, especially the United Nations to react to the ongoing execution of juveniles in Iran". Iran has ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child which bans death penalty for the offences committed under 18 years of age. In 2013 at least 8 juvenile offenders were executed and so far in 2014 at least 6 juvenile offenders have been executed in Iran. (Photo: Courtesy of Imam Ali Student Group's Facebook)