Families of the four Kurdish Sunni prisoners have met their loved ones for the last time. The executions are scheduled for early Sunday morning. Iran Human Rights (IHR) calls for immediate reaction of the international community to stop these unlawful executions. Iran Human Rights, June 14, 2014: Reliable sources from Iran report that four Sunni Muslim prisoners, Jamshid and Jahangir Dehgani (brothers), Hamed Ahmadi and Kamal Molayee, belonging to the Kurdish ethnic minority in Iran are scheduled to be executed Sunday morning, June 15, in Rajaishahr Prison of Karaj (West of Tehran).
jpg"> According to these reports the families have been asked to meet their loved ones for the last time and informed about the time of the execution. There has been an increase in the executions of prisoners of conscience in the last few months in Iran. Many of these prisoners belong to the ethnic and religious minorities. Gholamreza Khosravi Savadjani, charged for connections with the Iranian opposition group Mujahedin-e-Khalgh, and the Ahwazi Arab prisoners Ali Chebeishat and Khaled Mousavi have been the latest victims of the Iranian authorities' execution machine. IHR calls for a reaction by the international community to save these prisoners. Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, the spokesperson of IHR, said: These prisoners have been subjected to unfair trials and are possibly sentenced to death as part of the Iranian authorities’ crackdown of the Sunni Muslim minority in Iran. They are being executed while the focus of the international authorities are on the sectarian violence in the neighboring Iraq. We ask the international community to use all the channels in order to stop the executions. Jamshid and Jahangir Dehgani (brothers), Hamed Ahmadi and Kamal Molayee were arrested in 2009. They were accused along with six others of involvement in the assassination of a senior Sunni cleric with ties to the Iranian authorities. They have denied any involvement, saying that their arrest and detention preceded the assassination by several months. They were sentenced to death by the branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, convicted of “Moharebeh” (enmity against God) and “acts against the nation’s security”. Their trial lasted about 10 minutes and they haven’t seen their lawyer, according to sources who have been in contact with Iran Human Rights (IHR). The six other prisoners were executed in December 2012, but the death sentences of the four prisoners were postponed. Their execution was scheduled to be carried out in on September 25, 2013, but it was postponed possibly due to the international attention. Earlier this week more than 19 human rights group called on the Iranian authorities to stop the execution of 33 Sunni prisoners .