Iran Human Rights (Nov 13 2017): A prisoner, charged with rape, was hanged at Ardabil Prison and nine prisoners were executed at Mashhad central prison and Taybad prison (both Northeastern Iran) on drug related charges.
Execution in Ardabil
According to the Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), a prisoner who was charged with rape was executed at Ardabil Central Prison on Sunday November 12. The prisoner, identified as Madad Alizadeh, was transferred to solitary confinement from ward 5 of Ardabil Central Prison.
The execution of this prisoner has been confirmed by Iranian authorities on the state-run news site, Rokna.
Executions in Mashhad and Taybad
Kurdistan Human Rights Network reported the execution of five prisoners at Mashhad Central Prison and four at Taybad Central Prison on Monday November 13. All of the prisoners were sentenced to death on drug related charges.
Four of the prisoners who were executed at Mashhad Central Prison were identified as Hossein Yaqubi from Mashhad, Hossein Hajiabadi from Birjand, Shahreza Hasanzadeh from Nishabur, and Yusef Baghban from Zahedan.
A few weeks ago a new anti-narcotics bill was approved by Iran’s Parliament and the Guardian Council. The bill was also announced by the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and published in an official newspaper on Saturday October 29 2017.
According to Article 2 of the civil law, the laws are ought to be enforced within 15 days after being published in an official newspaper.
The executions of these prisoners have not been announced by the state-run media so far.