Iran Human Rights (IHR); April 8, 2021: Baluch prisoner Yasser Daryayi-Narouyi, on death row on drug-related charges, has been executed in Sabzevar Prison.
According to the Baluch Activists Campaign, Zahedan native, Yasser Daryayi-Narouyi was executed in Sabzevar Prison in the early hours of April 7. The Baluch prisoner had been sentenced to death on drug-related charges.
According to the report, Yasser was arrested on charges of carrying drugs a year and a half ago in Bardaskan province and sentenced to death.
At the time of writing, Yasser Daryayi-Narouyi’s execution has not been reported by domestic media or officials in Iran.
It has been almost four years since an Article was added to the Anti-Narcotics Law in 2017 to limit death sentences specifically and provide a general degree of reprieve in some cases. However, while the numbers reduced that year, the death penalty is still being used in drug-related cases.
According to Iran Human Rights’ Annual Report on the Death Penalty in Iran, at least 25 people were executed on drug-related charges in 2020.