Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO); December 4, 2022: Hossein Ordukhanzadeh, Shahin Imani Mahmoudabad, Milad Ashrafi Atbatan and Manouchehr Bejandi have been executed for security-related charges including collaborating with Israeli intelligence services, in Rajai Shahr Prison. They were executed within seven months of arrest.
Stressing its opposition to the cruel and inhumane death penalty punishment, Iran Human Rights condemns its use for all charges and considers the execution of political prisoners on security-related charges to be in violation of international human rights law.
Director, Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam said: “These individuals were sentenced to death without due process or a fair trial behind the closed doors of the Revolutionary Court, their sentences lacked all legal validity. These executions are intended to create societal fear and divert public attention from the Islamic Republic’s intelligence failures.”
The number of people executed in 2022 has now surpassed 500, the highest rate in five years.
According to information obtained by Iran Human Rights, four men were executed in Rajai Shahr Prison on December 4. Their identities have been established as Hossein Ordukhanzadeh, Shahin Imani Mahmoudabad, Milad Ashrafi Atbatan and Manouchehr Bejandi. They were sentenced to death for collaborating with Israeli intelligence services and kidnapping by the Revolutionary Court.
According to the Islamic Republic’s judiciary, there were seven defendants in the case. The other three men were sentenced to 5-10 years imprisonment.
Additional information obtained by Iran Human Rights reveals that two other prisoners were also taken to the gallows this morning but their identities and capital punishment charges are unknown at the time of writing.