/ IHRights#Iran: Hossein Amaninejad and Hamed Yavari were executed in Hamedan Central Prison on 11 June. Hossein was arrested… https://t.co/3lnMTwFH6z13 Jun

6 Arab Political Prisoners at Imminent Risk of Execution

7 May 23 by 6 Arab Political Prisoners at Imminent Risk of Execution
6 Arab Political Prisoners at Imminent Risk of Execution

Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO): May 7, 2023: Six Arab political prisoners have been transferred to solitary confinement in preparation for their executions in Ahvaz Central Prison.

Executions have spiked since the end of Ramadan, with at least 49 people executed in Iranian prisons.

Iran Human Rights once again urges the international community to take urgent steps to stop the execution machine.

According to information obtained by Iran Human Rights, six Arab political prisoners have been transferred to solitary confinement in Ahvaz Central Prison in preparation for their executions. Their identities have been established as:

  1. Ali Mojadam, 41 years old
  2. Mohammadreza Moghadam, 30 years old
  3. Adnan Ghabishavi, 26 years old
  4. Moein Khanfari, 30 years old
  5. Habib Deris, 40 years old
  6. Salem Mousavi, 39 years old

The political prisoners were subjected to torture and ill-treatment in detention and their forced confessions used as proof of guilt according to official reports. They were forced to admit to membership in Harkat Nezal and participation in the same terrorist attack attributed to Habib Asyoud.

They were sentenced to death for charges of baghy (armed rebellion) by the Ahvaz Revolutionary Court on 24 February. Ali Mojadam and Mohamadreza Moghaddam were charged as “leaders of the group’s domestic branch” and all men were sentence to death for “membership in a baghy group, the armed branch of Harkat Alnezal al-Arabi in Iran with aim of armed rebellion against the Islamic Republic system.” 

Habib Asyoud was kidnapped from Turkey and also forced into making self-incriminating confessions. He was tried in a grossly unfair trial that led to his execution on 6 May.