Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO); May 9, 2023: Mehdi Teimouri, a man sentenced to death for drug-related charges, was executed in Urmia Central Prison.
According to information obtained by Iran Human Rights, a man was executed in Urmia Central prison on 5 May. His identity has been established as Mehdi Teimouri who was sentenced to death for drug-related charges by the Revolutionary Court.
Iran Human Rights previously reported the executions of Faramarz Shakhsi, Davod Mahmoudyar and Behzad Hanifi at the prison that day.
Official sources reported a drug execution in Western Azerbaijan province that day without naming the executed individual. As such, none of the three men have been named by official sources.
According to reports gathered by Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO), at least 256 people were executed for drug-related offences in 2022, a more than two-fold increase compared to 2021 (126) and ten times more than 2020 (25).