Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO); July 3, 2023: At least 354 people including six women were executed in the first six months of 2023. 20% of all executions were Baluch minorities. 206 people were executed for drug-related charges, a 126% rise compared to the same period last year.
Underlining the accelerated speed of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s execution machine, Iran Human Rights once again calls on the international community to break their silence and make every effort to save the lives of death row prisoners in Iran by taking a stance on the state killings.
Director, Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam said: “The death penalty is used to create societal fear and prevent more protests. The majority of those killed are low-cost victims of the killing machine, drug defendants who are from the most marginalised communities. We especially call on the UNODC and Member States funding joint projects with Iran, to break their meaningful silence on the execution of more than 206 people for drug offences, and to make all collaborations contingent on halting drug executions.”
Six-month executions at a glance:
- At least 354 people were executed between 1 January-30 June
- 206 people were executed for drug-related charges
- 122 people were executed for murder charges
- 4 people were executed for rape charges
- 5 protesters were executed
- 2 people were executed for blasphemy charges
- A Swedish-Iranian citizen (Arab dissident kidnapped from Turkey) was executed
- A British-Iranian citizen was executed for espionage charges
- 2 men were publicly hanged
- Only 43 (12%) of recorded executions were reported by official sources
- 6 women were amongst those executed
- 71 (20%) Baluch minorities were executed
According to Iran Human Rights statistics, at least 354 people were executed across Iran, a sharp rise compared to the same period last year; 261 people were executed in the first six months of 2022 and 121 in 2021. This is a 36% rise compared to 2022.
Of the 354 recorded executions in 2023, only 43 (12%) were reported by official media, the remainder were verified by Iran Human Rights sources through at least two independent sources.
206 people were executed for drug-related charges and 122 for murder charges. Five protesters were executed in Karaj and Isfahan; two executed for blasphemy charges and one executed for espionage charges.
Drug-related executions have continuously risen every year for the past three years. 206 people were executed for drug-related charges in the first six months of 2023, a 126% rise compared to the same period in 2022 when 91 were executed. 40 people were executed in the same period in 2021.
The grossly disproportionate execution of Baluch minorities has continued as in the last two years. At least 71 Baluch people were executed in the first six months of 2023 for drug-related, murder and moharebeh (enmity against god) charges. This is 20% of all executions while the Baluch make up only 2-6% of Iran’s population.
It should be noted that in cases of executions not officially reported, Iran Human Rights only includes executions it has been able to verify by two independent sources. As such, the real number of executions is undoubtedly higher than those reported.