Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO); November 23, 2023: State media have reported the executions of two men for murder charges at Ghezelhesar Prison. IHRNGO previously reported the executions of two other men that day, bringing the total number to four. There are unverified reports of three other men’s executions at the prison that day.
According to Javan Online, two men were executed in Ghezelhesar Prison on 22 November. The unnamed men were sentenced to qisas (retribution-in-kind) for murder.
One of the men’s identities has been established as Loghman Omrani by IHRNGO which has also received reports of another three men having been executed that day which it has not been able to verify at the time of writing.
IHRNGO previously reported news of Moslem Jamshidi and Mohammad Andishkouh being executed for drug-related charges at Ghezelhesar Prison that day.
On 1st November, IHRNGO reported a group execution of nine men at Ghezelhesar Prison. A week later, another group execution of eight men took place at the prison on 8 November. The next week, another group execution of nine men took place at the prison on 15 November. This is the fourth group execution at the prison in November.
In the first 10 months of 2023, IHRNGO recorded more than 600 executions, an unprecedented number in the last eight years. The majority of the executions were for drug-related charges which are also at their highest since 2015. On World Day Against the Death Penalty (10 October 2023), IHRNGO called on UN Member States to withdraw funding of UNODC projects on drug-trafficking in Iran, and to make all collaborations and funding contingent upon an immediate halt to all drug-related executions.