29-year old Sahar Mahabadi Monfared was saved from execution after receiving a reprieve from the plaintiff on her case file. The news was confirmed to Iran Human Rights by a close source on October 5.
Iran Human Rights, October 6 2015: Sahar Mahabadi Monfared, a 29-year-old prisoner at Qarchak Varamin Prison (in the province of Tehran), was saved from execution after receiving a reprieve from the plaintiff on her case file.
According to close sources, Sahar and her husband were fighting in public in April 2009 when Sahar drew out a knife to protect herself and ended up fatally stabbing her husband. Sahar was reportedly sentenced to death for murder in May 2010 by Tehran's Criminal Court.
Confirming the news to Iran Human Rights, Sahar's lawyer, Mohammad Ali Jedari Foroughi, says he hopes his client will be released from prison after her case file is examined and the charges against her are investigated.
Iranian authorities had initially appointed a lawyer to Sahar, however, Jedari Forough became her lawyer after he offered to take Sahar's case pro bono.