On the morning of Sunday December 20, at least seven prisoners were hanged in Iran. Two of the executions were carried out in public.
Iran Human Rights (DEC 21 2015): On the morning of Sunday December 20, two prisoners accused of armed robbery were reportedly hanged in public at Kouzeh Gari Square in Shiraz, Fars. On the same day, five other prisoners were reportedly hanged at Bandar Abbas Central Prison on drug related charges.
According to Iran state run news agency, ILNA, the two prisoners hanged in public are "Mojtaba R, 30 years old, and Nemat G, 26 years old" and they were sentenced to death by Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz for Moharebeh through allegedly committing five acts of armed robbery and inciting terror and insecurity. The death sentences were confirmed by Branch 41 of Iran's Supreme Court.
According to a report by the Press Department of the Judiciary in Hormozgan, the five prisoners executed in Bandar Abbas were sentenced to death for armed drug trafficking. The report alleges the prisoners were armed smugglers who were charged with possessing more than 243 Kilograms of crack, heroin, and opium and also large quantities of weapons and ammunition. The report does not make any mention of the names of the prisoners or their ages.