Iran Human Rights (IHR); May 24, 2019: Two prisoners sentenced to death for “carrying weapons and drugs” at a branch of Revolutionary Court in Bandar Abbas.
According to IHR sources, Sami Jafari, 29, and Yousef Shokouhi, 31, were sentenced to death at a branch of Revolutionary Court in Bandar Abbas for carrying weapons and drugs.
“11 kilograms of methamphetamine and heroin were seized from their car along with three pieces of firearms,” a well-informed source told IHR, “they had been surrendered with of resistance.” However, they have been sentenced to death for carrying drugs and weapons.
IHR’s Annual Report on the Death Penalty in Iran shows that the number of drug-related executions has been reduced from 230 in 2017 to 24 people in 2018. Half of those 24 people were executed at Kerman prison in 2018.